About Becoming Jill

My name is Hel.

I have a personal blog that I have occasionally used to show off completed projects. I am the type of person who dithers around with things until the last minute and then only finishes projects once a deadline is looming.

I absolutely love sewing.  Jealousy shoots out of my eyeballs when I see other women with closets full of fabric.  I tend to get ideas and then through trial and error come up with something that somewhat closely resembles my original idea.  I like to try new things and have just recently finished renovating a room for the first time.  I am excited to learn new skills such as knitting, more advanced sewing skills, graphic design (I hope to take a course for that one), interior decorating on a budget and so many more.  I am excited to become a Jill of all Trades.

Just to keep things real - I have one daughter who is almost four years old.  If I have a project deadline looming then it is more than likely that my daughter will be fed olives (she loves olives) and toasted cheese sandwiches for six days straight.  She enjoys sitting by me playing on the computer while I sew.  I know that I got lucky with that one.  Shorty (my daughter's nickname given to her from her father) and I like to play together but most often don't agree on what we should be playing.  She likes puzzles, cars, trains and dancing.

Although becoming a Jill of all trades is appealing to me the Jill that I most want to be like is my mum.  Thus my blog.... Becoming Jill.